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Davis Family – Fastener Minute or Two…

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Full of Gratitude and Appreciation

SHP bed build

Reflecting back on the month of May has our team feeling incredibly blessed. ISSCO, INC. and BTM Manufacturing had the opportunity to host a bed build that shattered all goals. Our original goal of 120 beds was surpassed by the generosity of many incredible donors. We raised $50,000 which allowed us to build 160 beds!

In the evening following the May 4th bed build, ISSCO, INC. celebrated our 50th anniversary at Lone Summit Ranch. Surrounded by employees, family, friends, and longtime customers, ISSCO enjoyed an evening of food, fellowship, and recognition to all who allowed us to achieve this milestone.

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Congratulations, Peggy!


Congratulations Peggy Simons on 2 years at ISSCO, AFTER returning from retirement! After 40 years at ISSCO as receptionist, Peggy retired in 2018. In 2022, Peggy decided to return to ISSCO! Thank you for your continued hard work and dedication!


Congratulations, Dustin!


Congratulations Dustin Adams on a year at ISSCO! Dustin started at ISSCO on April 1, 2023 as the Vendor Management Inventory specialist. Thank you for your continued hard work and dedication!

Congratulations, Adam!

adam men

Congratulations Adam Mendoza on 3 years at ISSCO! Adam started on May 5, 2021 in warehouse fulfillment. Thank you for your continued hard work and dedication!

Congrats, Aaron Kennison!

aaron kennison

Congratulations Aaron Kennison on 4 years at ISSCO! Aaron started on May 18, 2020 in the warehouse receiving department. Thank you for your continued hard work and dedication!

Congratulations David Rogers!

Congratulations David Rogers

Congratulations David Rogers on 27 years at ISSCO! David started in ISSCO's warehouse on June 2, 1997 in will call, then transitioned into Vendor Management Inventory. David is now an inside/outside sales rep. Thank you for your continued hard work and dedication!

May Fill Rate

May 2024 fill rate

As a fastener distributor, ISSCO INC continues to publish our monthly fill rate to maintain transparency with our customers. In May, our fill rate was 93.6%. 

Memorial Day - ISSCO Closed

may 27th

In observance of #MemorialDay, ISSCO, INC. will be closed on Monday, May 27th. We will reopen at normal business hours on Tuesday, May 28th. Should you need anything before the long weekend, please reach out to your sales rep or email

“All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.” ― Winston Churchill


What a bed build!

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We are still reeling from amazement on the success of our recent Sleep in Heavenly Peace bed build. Our original goal of $30,000 / 120 beds was shattered! Our generous donors came together and raised $50,000, which allowed us to complete 160 beds.  This was the largest bed build for the 

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Fill Rate - April 2024

April 2024 fill rate

As a fastener distributor, ISSCO INC continues to publish our monthly fill rate to maintain transparency with our customers. In April, our fill rate was 99.2%. 

Happy May birthdays to our ISSCO team members!

birthday May 2024 ISSCO

Let's send May birthday wishes to our ISSCO employees!
5/4: Jeremy
5/15: Jeanie
5/25: Peggy

4 days until our bed build!

4 days until our bed build! Will you consider donating to our #FiftyforFifty challenge? In honor of ISSCO INCs 50th year in business, we encourage 50 people to donate (any amount) to our May 4th Sleep in Heavenly Peace - MO, Kansas City-Southeast bed build.

Will you be one of the donors supporting #fiftyforfifty?

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Happy Administrative Professionals Day!

Happy Administrative Professionals Day

Today is Administrative Professionals Day. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Christina, Jeanie and Peggy for all that they do to support our ISSCO team. Your hard work, professionalism, and positive attitude are truly appreciated, and we are lucky to have you!

Over halfway there! Let's get some more donations!

We are over halfway to our bed build goal! Will you consider donating to our #FiftyforFifty challenge? In honor of ISSCO's 50th year in business,  we encourage 50 people to 

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ISSCO Recognized for 50 Years in Business from Link Magazine

Happy Monday! Grab a cup of #UboltBlendCoffee and check out the latest issue of Link Magazine.

ISSCO, INC. is featured on page 54-55 for our celebration of 50 years in business!

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Who's joining the #FiftyforFifty challenge?

Join BTM Manufacturing and ISSCO, INC. for our 50th Anniversary bed build on May 4th.
In honor of ISSCO's 50th year in business, we are launching a 

Fastener Bed Challenge is less than a month away!

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ISSCO INC, BTM Manufacturing, Twin Lakes Insurance AgencyWACHTER, Inc. are hosting a bed build with Sleep in Heavenly Peace - MO, Kansas City-Southeast.
We set a hefty goal & hope you will help us reach it!
$30,000 for 120 beds
May 4th; 9AM - 1PM
ISSCO's Lee's Summit location

March Fill Rate

March 2024 fill rate

As a fastener distributor, ISSCO INC continues to publish our monthly fill rate to maintain transparency with our customers. In March, our fill rate was 99.5%. #fasteners #fastenerdistribution #distributor #distribution

Happy birthday to ISSCO employees!

Copy of Birthday1

Let's send birthday wishes to our ISSCO employees!

4/7: Dustin A.
4/15: Don D.
4/23: Dean J.
4/28: Jamie C.

ISSCO's 50th Anniversary and Mourning Founder, Joe L. Davis, Jr.

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Today, April 1st, 2024, ISSCO, INC celebrates our 50th anniversary. With this huge accomplishment, we are also mourning the loss of our CEO and Founder, Joe L. Davis, Jr. 

Joe, alongside Margaret Davis, started ISSCO, INC. on April 1, 1974. Although we are heartbroken, we are committed to bringing exceptional service to our customers just as Joe wanted and expected us to do so. 

View Joe's obituary here: