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Davis Family – Fastener Minute or Two…

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Covid-19 Announcement from ISSCO, INC.

Press Release ISSCO COVID

Dear ISSCO, INC. customers, suppliers, and partners,

Due to the nation's uncertainty and concerns regarding the coronavirus (Covid-19), ISSCO, INC. wanted to address the situation and reiterate our commitment to maintain exceptional service and safety. Our employees and customers are an extension of the ISSCO family, so the following are being implemented immediately.

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Distributing, Packaging, and Kitting

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At ISSCO Inc., our main goal is to provide our customers with it all: fastener distribution, manufacturing and packaging operations. This allows us the unique ability of offering a full range of services to our customers.

We innovate to continually provide our customers with the best possible experience.  With superior customer service, electronic processes, vendor managed inventory programs, in-house kitting and packaging services, manufacturing and so much more, ISSCO has consistently been a leader in offering effective solutions to the ever-evolving industry.

Employee of the Month Announced - Greg Lawson

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Congratulations to Greg Lawson, ISSCO's February Employee of the Month! Greg is a key member of the ISSCO team and his dedication and positive attitude are appreciated each and every day!

ISSCO, INC Releases January 2020 Fill Rate

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ISSCO, INC. released their fill rate for January... 98.8%! As an effort to maintain transparency, ISSCO reviews their fill rate on a monthly basis.

Transportation Fastener Needs

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For those in the transit and hauling industry like heavy truck and trailer repairmen or Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), fasteners need to be designed to precise specifications. Not only does ISSCO assist with these rigorous demands, but our full range of services have allowed us to present our customers with an entirely new degree of quality and performance.

ISSCO, INC's Q1 2020 Newsletter Released

Q1 2020 ISSCO Newsletter

ISSCO, INC. just released their latest newsletter, Distribution Chat. 

New Years Day Closing

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As we approach 2020, ISSCO, INC. would like to extend our appreciation to each and every customer. We will be closed on New Years Day to spend time with our families and friends. We look forward to serving you in 2020!! #Fasteners #FastenerDistribution #Distributor #Distribution

Day 11 of #12DaysofDistribution

Day 11 ISSCO

Day 11 of #12DaysofDistibution: In Our Veins.... 

Employees of the Month - ISSCO, INC.

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ISSCO, INC. just released the Employees of the Month for December - Andy Ackley & Davis Rogers. ISSCO President, Jake Davis, appreciated their efforts...

"Between the two of them, Andy and David have over 43 years of experience here at ISSCO and have proven themselves to be valuable assets to not only our success, but our customers too. For years, Andy and David have split their time on the inside sales desk, while managing high value VMI accounts on a weekly or monthly basis.  

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September Fill Rate Announced

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ISSCO, INC. just released their September fill rate... 97.6%. Continuing to provide transparency and improve the fill rate, ISSCO is pleased to share this with our customers.

August Promotion Launches

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ISSCO, INC.'s August Promotion on Anchoring Studs and Liquid Roc!

ISSCO, INC. is partnering with MKT Fastening for an August promotion on the below items! The promotional pricing is valid August 1 - 31, 2019.

To take advantage of this discounted pricing, please do one of the following: 
(1) Contact your sales rep
(2) Email 
(3) Call 816-525-8889

Beyond Fastener Distribution - ISSCO, INC Provides VMI Services

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ISSCO, INC has an extensive product list that includes standard and metric fasteners, non-ferrous fasteners, construction fasteners, transportation fasteners, industrial suppplies, u-bolts, rods and studs, and per print specials. However, ISSCO expands beyond product offerings and aims to provide an all-in-one service to our customers. Our Vendor Managed Inventory solutions are designed with you in mind. Our goal is to work together to streamline your manufacturing processes. With our VMI services, together we’ll determine an agreed-upon amount of inventory to be stocked on location and at ISSCO. We are committed to ensuring our inventories are reflective of our customer’s historical annual usage. We even offer a Consignment VMI option, which means you pay for the product only after it has been used.


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Day 11 of 12 Days of Distribution

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As a family-owned business for over 50 years, ISSCO, INC. still has the same #1 goal - to provide exceptional customer service. 

Day 8 of ISSCO's 12 Days of Distribution

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Giving back is ISSCO's mantra! 

Relationships are Key

always acustomer

First and foremost, the ISSCO team greatly values our customers, fulfilling their fastener needs, and creating strong and lasting relationships. We have built a strong company through our deep-rooted customer kinships and will continue to be committed to these relationships. With these evolving relationships, customers continually present us with challenges and questions. We consider ourselves consultants in the fastener supplier industry. Meeting the needs of our customers isn’t a one size fits all type of job, rather a custom solution for each customer.  As a result of our service focus, we’ve consistently been a leader in offering effective solutions along with a full range of services.

As a family-owned and operated business, we are able to learn from each other, teach each other, make decisions together, and grow together as a family. The ISSCO work environment is unmatched in the fastener industry, and our service-first mindset provides continued success.