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Davis Family – Fastener Minute or Two…

Welcome to our blog. Read more about ISSCO, Inc. and our products and services!

ISSCO Publishes February Fill Rate

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As a fastener distributor, ISSCO INC continues to publish our monthly fill rate to maintain transparency with our customers. In February, our fill rate was 99.3%.


Distribution Chat - Latest Newsletter Available


Check out ISSCO's latest newsletter.  

Don't miss out on the info for our upcoming bed build!
Saturday, May 3, 2025
9AM - 1PM
ISSCO’s Facility (Lee’s Summit, MO)
Help us reach our goal of $40,000 and 160 beds!

Happy January Birthdays!

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Happy, happy January birthdays to our team members:

1/8: Christina Titus
1/14: Greg Lawson
1/24: Jeremy Baldwin

Hope you have a wonderful birthday month!

Tinsel Tuesdays - Week 2

It's another week of ISSCO's TINSEL TUESDAY! We have 3 ISSCO employees; 4 holiday-related questions; and tons of holiday cheer! Check out week 2!

Thankful Thursdays - Week 3

'Tis the season for thankfulness! Check out week 3 of Thankful Thursdays.
3 ISSCO employees; 3 Thanksgiving-related questions

Congrats, Aaron Kennison!

aaron kennison

Congratulations Aaron Kennison on 4 years at ISSCO! Aaron started on May 18, 2020 in the warehouse receiving department. Thank you for your continued hard work and dedication!

What a bed build!

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We are still reeling from amazement on the success of our recent Sleep in Heavenly Peace bed build. Our original goal of $30,000 / 120 beds was shattered! Our generous donors came together and raised $50,000, which allowed us to complete 160 beds.  This was the largest bed build for the 

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Happy May birthdays to our ISSCO team members!

birthday May 2024 ISSCO

Let's send May birthday wishes to our ISSCO employees!
5/4: Jeremy
5/15: Jeanie
5/25: Peggy

ISSCO Recognized for 50 Years in Business from Link Magazine

Happy Monday! Grab a cup of #UboltBlendCoffee and check out the latest issue of Link Magazine.

ISSCO, INC. is featured on page 54-55 for our celebration of 50 years in business!

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What an honor from WIFI (Women in The Fastener Industry)


Jake Davis, President of ISSCO, INC. was recently awarded a special honor from the Women in The Fastener Industry, the 2024 "Man-Up Award!" 

The Man-Up Award represents a vital acknowledgment of the commitment to support women within the fastener industry. Whether presented to an individual male or a forward-thinking company, this accolade honors their unwavering dedication to empowering women through the provision of tools, resources, and a supportive environment within their organization or the industry at large.

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November's Fill Rate

November fill rate 20231

As a fastener distributor, ISSCO INC continues to publish our monthly fill rate to maintain transparency with our customers. In November our fill rate was 99.8%. 

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ISSCO Gives Back This Holiday Season

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The ISSCO team collected 221 pounds of canned food for Harvesters KC this holiday season. We are grateful for our team's commitment to giving back to our community.

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give."
- Winston Churchill

#WednesdayMotivation #Givingback #Harvesters

Happy Veterans Day - thank you.

We dont know them all but we owe them all

The ISSCO team would like to thank and honor all of our veterans who have served bravely, proudly, and selflessly. Thank you is never enough and we are eternally grateful. 

Exciting News - ISSCO Family Member Heading to State for Golf!

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Exciting news! David Rogers, our Inside Sales team member has a daughter headed to state for golf! Ava Rogers, along with teammates Campbell Gregory & Grace McCommon will be in Joplin, MO at Twin Hills Golf & Country Club on 10/16-10/17. Let's go Pleasant Hill Chicks Golf Team! 

Monthly Pieces Shipped

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ISSCO shipped 4.09 million pieces throughout July!

What's a VMI?

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What is Vendor Managed Inventory - VMI?

ISSCO, INC. offers VMI solutions customizable to fit the needs of each customer. Our goal is to work alongside you to streamline your manufacturing processes. With our VMI services, the customer determines an agreed-upon amount of inventory to be stocked on location and at ISSCO. We are committed to ensuring our inventories are reflective of the customer’s historical annual usage. We even take it a step further and offer a consignment VMI option, which allows you pay for the product after it has been used.

By eliminating the burden of purchasing fasteners on a daily basis and relying on ISSCO for their inventory levels, our customers have experienced improved efficiencies, such as issuing fewer purchase orders, consistent availability of inventory, and reducing or eliminating routine stock-outs or line shutdowns. Our customers now have more time to concentrate on greater, more progressive projects for their company.

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ISSCO's Closed on Memorial Day


Thank you to the men and women who so selflessly gave their lives to our country. 

ISSCO will be closed on Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day. We will reopen on Tuesday, 5/30 at normal business hours. 

Team Member Tuesday

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Welcome to ISSCO's #TMT... Team Member Tuesday! We are in week 4 of the series, highlighting a team member each Tuesday. Check out this week's edition featuring Gordon Whitfill, warehouse fulfillment!

Team Member Tuesday

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Welcome to ISSCO's #TMT... Team Member Tuesday! We are in week 3 of the series, highlighting a team member each Tuesday. Check out this edition with CSR & account manager, Ashleigh!

Holiday Greetings and Hours Announcement

As we look forward to celebrating the holidays with family and friends, ISSCO would like to share gratitude and appreciation to all of our customers throughout 2022. We are incredibly blessed to have such loyal customers.
We will close at 12PM on Friday (12/23) for a company luncheon, and will reopen at 9AM on Tuesday, December 27th.
From our team at ISSCO, INC, we wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.... and a prosperous New Year!