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Davis Family – Fastener Minute or Two…

Welcome to our blog. Read more about ISSCO, Inc. and our products and services!

Will you support our next bed build?

Join us for our 5th annual bed build on May 3, 2025!

BTM Manufacturing, ISSCO, INC, Twin Lakes Insurance Agency, and Wachter, are partnering with the MO-Kansas City SE Chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace to help end child bedlessness in Kansas City. 

Saturday, May 3, 2025
9AM - 1PM
ISSCO’s Facility (Lee’s Summit, MO)
Help us reach our goal of $40,000 and 160 beds!

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ISSCO Publishes February Fill Rate

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As a fastener distributor, ISSCO INC continues to publish our monthly fill rate to maintain transparency with our customers. In February, our fill rate was 99.3%.


January Fill Rate

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As a fastener distributor, ISSCO INC continues to publish our monthly fill rate to maintain transparency with our customers. In January, our fill rate was 98.9%.

Tinsel Tuesdays - Week 2

It's another week of ISSCO's TINSEL TUESDAY! We have 3 ISSCO employees; 4 holiday-related questions; and tons of holiday cheer! Check out week 2!

Over halfway there! Let's get some more donations!

We are over halfway to our bed build goal! Will you consider donating to our #FiftyforFifty challenge? In honor of ISSCO's 50th year in business,  we encourage 50 people to 

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February Fill Rate

Feb 2024 fill rate

As a fastener distributor, ISSCO INC continues to publish our monthly fill rate to maintain transparency with our customers. In February, our fill rate was 99.3%. 

Merry Christmas from the ISSCO team!

Red Photo Holiday Retail Postcard

From our ISSCO team to yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! In observance of the holiday, ISSCO, INC. will be closed on Monday, 12/25 & Tuesday, 12/26. We will reopen at normal business hours on Wednesday, 12/27. Should you need anything before the holiday, reach out to

ISSCO Heads to the KC Zoo for a Family Day

BTM & ISSCO Day at the Kansas City Zoo

Last Saturday, Sept 30th, the BTM and ISSCO employees had an opportunity to bring their families and enjoy a day at the Kansas City Zoo.  The Zoo day included a catered lunch for the employees and families to eat, chat, and enjoy a visit from local celebrities - the penguins! The BTM and ISSCO team celebrated a successful fiscal year, which is because of our customers' continued support! Thank you all!


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Labor Day 2023

September 5 2022

From our ISSCO team to you and yours, Happy Labor Day! We will be closed on Monday, September 4th, in observance of the Labor Day holiday. Should you need anything before the extended weekend, please reach out to  or call your sales rep at 816-525-8889. 

What's a VMI?

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What is Vendor Managed Inventory - VMI?

ISSCO, INC. offers VMI solutions customizable to fit the needs of each customer. Our goal is to work alongside you to streamline your manufacturing processes. With our VMI services, the customer determines an agreed-upon amount of inventory to be stocked on location and at ISSCO. We are committed to ensuring our inventories are reflective of the customer’s historical annual usage. We even take it a step further and offer a consignment VMI option, which allows you pay for the product after it has been used.

By eliminating the burden of purchasing fasteners on a daily basis and relying on ISSCO for their inventory levels, our customers have experienced improved efficiencies, such as issuing fewer purchase orders, consistent availability of inventory, and reducing or eliminating routine stock-outs or line shutdowns. Our customers now have more time to concentrate on greater, more progressive projects for their company.

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Another successful bed build - thank you!

Saturday was INCREDIBLE! We are absolutely blown away by the support from this bed build! ISSCO, INC.BTM ManufacturingTwin Lakes Insurance Agency, and Wachter, Inc. partnered for our most successful bed build to date. 

30000 donated 91 volunteers 100 beds 3 hours
*91 volunteers
*$30,000 donated
*100 beds built in 3 hours

Thank you for your support! 
Sleep in Heavenly Peace 
Brighton-Best International
LindFast Solutions GroupStelfast, Inc., Rotary Club of Western Johnson County 

Team Member Tuesday - Week 8


Welcome to ISSCO's #TMT... Team Member Tuesday! We are in week 8 of the series, highlighting a team member each Tuesday. Check out this week's edition featuring David Rogers, inside sales and VMI.

Watch it here! 

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Join us on June 10th for another bed build!

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BTM Manufacturing, ISSCO, INC, Twin Lakes Insurance Agency, and Wachter are partnering to help end child bedlessness in Kansas City. Our goal is to collect enough donations for a 100 bed build specifically benefiting the MO-Kansas City SE Chapter of 

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Happy Monday!

Happy Monday, #FastenerFriends

Fastener Distribution Services

Did you know that ISSCO offers bolt and fastener services, such as supplying, distributing, manufacturing and packaging?

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Veterans Day 2022

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Today and always, we thank you for your service, selflessness, and sacrifice. We salute you. 

ISSCO Releases Latest Newsletter

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ISSCO, INC's President, Jake Davis, releases the Q4 newsletter a little different this time. Click on the below to view the video from Jake and download the

Rapid Fire Friday - Week 2

We're back with Week #2 of ISSCO's Rapid Fire Fridays... the Spring/Summer edition.
- 1 employee
- 5 questions
Get to know our warehouse fulfillment team member, Jamie Carter!

Help Us Reach Our Goal for Sleep in Heavenly Peace!

Fundraising ideas for schools, churches, and youth sports teams

BTM Manufacturing, ISSCO INC, and Twin Lakes Manufacturing are partnering for a mission that provides beds to local Kansas City children in need. Our goal is $10,000 - please help us reach it!

Thank you to all of our donors. Would you like to support this incredible cause and have your name or logo included below? CLICK HERE!

Mistletoe Mondays

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Today is the last Monday before Christmas, and you know what that means: MISTLETOE MONDAYS is here! We will finish out the series with several ISSCO employees and the President, Jake Davis, as each person answers four holiday-related questions.