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Davis Family – Fastener Minute or Two…

Welcome to our blog. Read more about ISSCO, Inc. and our products and services!

Severe Winter Weather Causing Shipping Delays

Severe Weather Causing Shipping Delays

Winter storms, sub-zero temperatures, and power outages are causing delays with shipments across the United States. Our team is diligently working to provide the highest level of customer service to our customers, but have unfortunately seen some shipping disruptions. We appreciate your patience as the weather begins to improve and shipments can safely resume to normal. 

As always, should you have any questions, please contact your sales representative or Jake Davis ( 

10 Minutes with Jake Davis -

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What an honor for ISSCO, INC President, Jake Davis, to have the opportunity to connect with Check out the full article here:

10 Minutes with Jake Davis – BTM Manufacturing/ISSCO

TS: Let’s take a minute to clear up some confusion I have with your company.  I need to clarify if I am talking to Jake from ISSCO or Jake from BTM.  Tell me about both companies and what they do.

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It's All About Teamwork

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The ISSCO team is more than co-workers; we're a team and family. 

ISSCO Supplies Transportation Fasteners

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The trucking, OEM, and trailer repair industry rely upon operational equipment. The need for precise specifications is imperative. Not only does ISSCO assist with these rigorous demands, but our full range of services have allowed us to present our customers with an entirely new degree of quality and performance.

With automotive/transportation fasteners being such a specialized hub, ISSCO is evolving to meet the growing demands with innovative fastening solutions. As more people rely on mass transit or large trucks for their jobs, ISSCO is ready to provide you with a unique level of quality manufacturing and distributing services.

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December Fill Rate Announced

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ISSCO, INC. has published their December 2020 fill rate, as well as their 2020 comparison. Throughout the year, our team aimed to continually improve on each month's fill rates.

We maintained a consistency of higher than 92% throughout the entire year, in which many of the months were higher than 96%.

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ISSCO Announces New Years Hours

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As we approach 2021, our team is counting our blessings. We would like to wish each of you a Happy New Year. We are extremely appreciative of your continued business over the past year, and look forward to connecting (hopefully in person) in 2021. 

ISSCO, INC. will be closed on Friday, 1/1, as we take the day to celebrate the New Year. We will return to normal business hours on Monday, January 4th. Should you need anything this week, please reach out to your sales rep, email, or give us a call at 816-525-8889.

Day 12 of 12 Days of Distribution

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Day 12 of #12DaysofDistribution... ISSCO offers a broad range of industrial supplies, such as nylon cable ties, drill bits, and anchors. 

Day 11 of 12 Days of Distribution

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Day 11 of #12DaysofDistribution... each month ISSCO publishes our fill rates to remain transparent with our customers. 

Day 10 of #12DaysofDistribution

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Day 10 of #12DaysofDistribution.... ISSCO has access to premier suppliers nationwide. We focus on providing the highest quality fasteners and have the partnerships in line to do so. 

ISSCO Shares Christmas Greetings

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Merry Christmas from our ISSCO family to yours! We would like to share a holiday greeting with you - click here to view the video

As a reminder, we will be closing at noon on Thursday, December 24th and will remain closed on Friday, December 25th. We hope you enjoy time with your friends and family. 

Should you need anything this week prior to Christmas, please let us know. You can reach out to your sales rep, email, or give us a call at 816-525-8889. 

Day 9 of 12 Days of Distribution

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Day 9 of 12 Days of Distribution... ISSCO fulfilled over 92 million units last year! 

Day 8 of #12DaysofDistribution

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Day 8 of #12DaysofDistribution... what industries does ISSCO serve? 

Day 7: Focused on Quality


Why does an ISO 9001:2015 certification matter to our customers? 

Day 6: Relationships are Our Priority


The employees at ISSCO are proud of our relationships with customers. We form friendships, and even feel like family. 

Day 5: Additional Services at ISSCO


Did you know that ISSCO, INC. offers packaging, kitting and labeling services?

Day 4: Giving Back

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'Tis the season to give back! Whether you are giving back in time, resources, or support, giving back is a wonderful way to brighten someone's day. 

Day 3 of #12DaysofDistribution


What's a Vendor Managed Inventory solution? Check out the Day 3 of 12 Days of Distribution to learn about VMIs. 

Day 2 of #12DaysofDistribution

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Day 2 of #12DaysofDistribution - check out ISSCO's product offerings. 

Packaging Services

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Let our team help you keep your orders more organized while creating greater efficiency, minimal boxing efforts, and more personalization. We offer packaging services with strategy. Ask us how we can tailor the service to fit your needs. 

November Fill Rate Published

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ISSCO, INC. has released our November fill rate at 94.2%. In an effort to remain transparent, each month we publish this fill rate as a benchmark for continuous improvement.