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Davis Family – Fastener Minute or Two…

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Blood Drive Hosted at ISSCO, INC.

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There is much to be thankful for around the holidays, and ISSCO, INC's employees want to give back. This year on November 21st, ISSCO, INC. and Community Blood Center of Kansas City will be partnering to host a blood drive at ISSCO's Lee's Summit, MO facility. The Community Blood Center bus will be onsite at 405 SE Bailey Rd, Lee’s Summit, MO 64081, on Wednesday, November 21st from 10AM - 2PM. This event is open to the public, and we would encourage all eligible family, friends, and neighboring businesses participate in donating blood to save lives. 

As a bonus, all participating donots will receive a FREE Chief's t-shirt! 


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ISSCO, INC. Employee Featured in Link Magazine


The Link Magazine featured an employee of ISSCO, INC. in their fall edition 2018. Jennifer George was recognized as the Top 30 in 30 Partner for Warehouse1. This is certainly an honor to be featured in the widely recognized industry magazine, and Jennifer is an amazing asset to the team. Keep up your great work, Jennifer, and the entire ISSCO team! 

ISSCO, INC.'s latest newsletter now available - Distribution Chat

ISSCO October2018 Q3

The ISSCO, INC newsletter, Distribution Chat, is now available! Click here to listen to a message from ISSCO's President, Jake Davis!

ISSCO INC's Products and Industrial Supplies

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ISSCO is a skilled and experienced power fasteners distributor based out of Lee’s Summit, Missouri. We provide complete bolts and fasteners services, such as supplying, distributing, manufacturing and packaging. We believe these additions make ISSCO, INC. an unparalleled full-service distributor of fastening products and industrial supplies. ISSCO takes pride in our services and products and continues working to strengthen our relationships.

Take a look at our extensive list of fastening products and industrial supplies on our online store.

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Skilled & Experienced Fastener Distributors

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ISSCO is a skilled and experienced power fasteners distributor based out of Lee’s Summit, Missouri. We provide complete bolts and fasteners services, such as supplying, distributing, manufacturing and packaging. We believe these additions make ISSCO, INC. an unparalleled full-service distributor of fastening products and industrial supplies. ISSCO takes pride in our services and products and continues working to strengthen our relationships.

Save the Date: ISSCO, INC. Schedules Blood Drive

Red Cream World Blood Donor Day Poster

Mark your calendars! ISSCO, INC. will be hosting another blood drive in partnership with Community Blood Center Kansas City. Join us on Wednesday, November 21st and save a life! 

Specialty Packs of Cable Ties - September Promo


Don't miss out on ISSCO, INC's September savings on industrial cable ties! The specialty packs include Natural OR UV Black Nylon, and the offer of $15/each pack is valid until September 30. Call or email to get yours today - or 816-525-8889. 

Sizes Include:

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Employee Spotlight: Dean Johnson


ISSCO, INC. would like to announce the September 2018 Employee Spotlight, Dean Johnson. Dean is a valued and critical member of the ISSCO team, and we appreciate his continual work ethic and upbeat attitude! Congratulations, Dean! 

We Remember.

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On this day 17 years ago, we remember all who were lost, who fought, who still continue to fight, and to all who love our country. We remember. 

ISSCO Gives Back to Kansas City's Eleos Coffee Mission

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Each month the team at ISSCO, INC. selects a charity/organization from the local Kansas City area to present the jeans day donations to. August's recipient was Kansas City's Eleos Coffee.  “I have had the pleasure of partnering with Eleos Coffee for over two years now as they have been roasting our special blend of coffee that we share with customers.  In what began solely as a business/partnership transaction has turned into a friendship, based on Eleos' vision of making it more than about a passion for coffee.  Eleos Coffee truly sets out to make a difference and brings value to their local community along each step by providing not only a quality product, but also with acts of compassion and by sharing the good news about Jesus Christ.  It was an honor for our team to select Eleos as the recipient for a couple of months for our “Jeans Friday and support Eleos Coffee” said ISSCO, INC. President, Jake Davis. 

ISSCO, INC. launches September Promotion on Cable Ties

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Don't miss out on ISSCO, INC's September Savings promo on cable tie specialty packs! This is a great way to stock up on your industrial supplies! Place your order through your ISSCO sales rep, or by emailing

ISSCO, INC. Closed to Observe Labor Day

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PRESS RELEASE: ISSCO, INC. Closed to Observe Labor Day

In observation of Labor Day, ISSCO, INC. will be closed on Monday, September 3, 2018. Normal business hours will resume on Tuesday, September 4th.  If you have any urgent requests requiring attention prior to the three-day weekend, please contact your sales representative immediately. 

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Fastener Supplier Relationships

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Our Suppliers

As a large and qualified fastener distributor, we have access to premier industrial hardware suppliers across the nation and worldwide. Our customers gain access to these suppliers through working with ISSCO. We make it a point to provide our customers with the highest-quality fasteners that will exceed all expectations. Below is a list of a few of the superior fastener suppliers we use:

  • Infasco
  • Nucor Fastener Division
  • Brighton Best International /
  • Ironclad Gloves
  • Arconic Huck
  • Stanley Engineered Fastening Pop Rivets
  • Alfa Tools
  • CRC Industries
  • HellermannTyton
  • DeWalt Engineered by Powers

ISSCO, INC Employee Spotlight

EmployeeoftheMonth Jeremy

ISSCO, INC. knows our business is successful because of our employees. Each month we're focusing on a single employee and introducing he/she to all of our customers and vendors. Congratulations to Jeremy Baldwin, ISSCO, INC's Director of Purchasing, on being featured for August's employee spotlight.

Check out Jeremy's story, and feel free to send him some congratulatory messages! 

Where to Purchase Transportation Fasteners

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For those in the transit and hauling industries, like heavy truck and trailer repair or Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), fasteners need to be designed to precise specifications. When finding a distributor, companies need to understand that not all distributors offer the same service, options, and solutions. Here's a look at how ISSCO, INC, a Kansas City area based distirbutor has found decades of success within these industries. Not only does ISSCO assist with the rigorous fastener demands, but also our full range of services allows us to present customers with an entirely new degree of quality and performance.

As a leading fastener distributor, we’re able to develop custom fastener solutions for our customers. With automotive/transportation fasteners being such a specialized hub, ISSCO is evolving to meet the growing demands with innovative fastening solutions. As more people rely on mass transit or large trucks for their jobs, ISSCO is ready to provide you with a unique level of quality manufacturing and distributing services.

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ISSCO, INC. Announcing ISO 9001:2015 Certification


Lee's Summit, MO - ISSCO, INC. is excited to announce that we are ISO 9001: 2015 certified. The new standard demands a high-degree of leadership commitment with greater emphasis on risk-based thinking and accountability throughout all organizational levels and processes. ISSCO INC.'s quality management system is aligned and integrated throughout our business model with continued focus on customer satisfaction. 

ISO 9001 helps organizations demonstrate to customers that they can offer products and services of consistently good quality. It also acts as a tool to streamline their processes and make them more efficient at what they do. ISSCO, INC. is committed to continual improvement and efficiencies that will benefit our customers, and is proud to maintain compliance with ISO rigorous standards.

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ISSCO's Supplier Relationships are Key


Our Suppliers

As a large and qualified fastener distributor, ISSCO, INC. has access to premier industrial hardware suppliers across the nation and worldwide. Our customers gain access to these suppliers through working with ISSCO. We make it a point to provide our customers with the highest-quality fasteners that will exceed all expectations. Below is a list of a few of the superior fastener suppliers we use:

  • Infasco
  • Nucor Fastener Division
  • Brighton Best International /
  • Arconic Huck
  • Stanley Engineered Fastening Pop Rivets
  • Alfa Tools
  • CRC Industries
  • HellermannTyton
  • DeWalt Engineered by Powers

Final Day for Drill Mug Promo - over 20% off savings!




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ISSCO Volunteers Sorted and Repacked Food at Harvesters Kansas City

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Giving back within the Kansas City Community!

A group of ISSCO employees and family members volunteered their time on Saturday, July 7th at Harvesters in Kansas City. The team wanted to give back to those in need, and do so at the food bank which serves a 26-county area within KC. The ISSCO team is inspired to model the company's leadership initiatives... to give back. After hours of manual labor, pounds and pounds of food was sorted and repacked! In addition, the ISSCO crew dropped off food and toiletries. 

"Joe and Margaret Davis, my parents, set the precedence when it comes to giving back to the community. I watched from afar for many years and now it is my time to lead our organization as we seek to make a difference in our community," said Jake Davis, President of ISSCO, INC.

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Kansas City Family Owned Fastener Distributor


KC Royals, KC Chiefs, KC Business Owners!

ISSCO, Inc. was founded by our current CEO Joe L. Davis Jr. in the basement of his Independence home. Joe was in the fastener distribution business for years, but in 1974 he decided to open his own company. ISSCO was established with one goal in mind: efficiently and successfully servicing our customers. We’ve spent years perfecting the distribution of quality fasteners including bolts, nuts, screws, sockets and much more. Our product lines and inventory levels will continue to reflect our commitment to our customers throughout the Midwest.  40+ years later and we continue to build successful customer relationships with that same goal. 

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